Dr. Emiel Maasland is the Founder and Managing Director of Auctiometrix and is Affiliated Researcher at the Department of Applied Economics of the Erasmus School of Economics. He holds a PhD in Economics from Tilburg University. His research focuses on auction theory and the theory of industrial organization. His work has been published in international academic journals, such as the Journal of Political Economy, Games and Economic Behavior, Economic Theory, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, The Energy Journal, and Telecommunications Policy. He has 15+ years of experience in scientifically based contract research. He advised many governments on the design and implementation of various auctions, in particular spectrum auctions for mobile communication and radio broadcasting. He also has practical experience in advising major telecom operators and broadcasters on their optimal bid strategy in numerous SMRA and CCA spectrum auctions in Europe and the USA. Recently, he was hired by the Dutch Radiocommunications Agency to perform an independent verification on CCA auction software. He was also involved in large scale auction evaluation studies, including a review of the Canadian 700 MHz and 2500 MHz spectrum auctions for ISED Canada, an evaluation of the Dutch UMTS-auction for the Dutch Parliament, and an evaluation of the auction of petrol station locations along the Dutch highway for the Dutch Ministry of Finance. Furthermore, he advised private companies in antitrust cases in sectors such as the market for mobile telephony, motor fuels, bicycles, and liberal professions.


Journal Articles

On the Effectiveness of Feed-in Tariffs in the Development of Solar Photovoltaics, The Energy Journal, 39(1), 2018, pp. 81-99 (with Elbert Dijkgraaf and Tom van Dorp)

[Recipient of The Energy Journal’s Campbell Watkins 2018 Best Paper Award]

Auctions with Flexible Entry Fees: A Note, Games and Economic Behavior, 72(2), 2011, pp. 594-601 (with Maarten Janssen and Vladimir Karamychev)

Simultaneous Pooled Auctions with Multiple Bids and Preference Lists, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 166(2), 2010, pp. 286-298 (with Maarten Janssen and Vladimir Karamychev)

Early Mover Advantages: An Empirical Analysis of European Mobile Phone Markets, Telecommunications Policy, 32(3-4), 2008, pp. 246-261 (with Govert Bijwaard and Maarten Janssen)

Auctions with Financial Externalities, Economic Theory, 32(3), 2007, pp. 551-574 (with Sander Onderstal)

Going, Going, Gone! A Swift Tour of Auction Theory and Its Applications, De Economist, 154(2), 2006, pp. 197-249 (with Sander Onderstal)

Erratum: De Economist, 154(3), 2006, p. 481

How (Not) to Raise Money, Journal of Political Economy, 113(4), 2005, pp. 897-918 (with Jacob Goeree, Sander Onderstal, and John Turner)

[Review article by Aaron Dalton]

Book Chapters

Levelling the Playing Field in Auctions and the Prohibition of State Aid (with Yves Montangie and Roger Van den Bergh), in Auctioning Public Assets: Analysis and Alternatives, M.C.W. Janssen (ed.), Cambridge University Press (pub.), 2004

(Chinese translation published by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2008; reviewed in The World Economy, 2005The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2005)

An Analysis of  the European 3G Licensing Process (with Benny Moldovanu), in Auctioning Public Assets: Analysis and Alternatives, M.C.W. Janssen (ed.), Cambridge University Press (pub.), 2004

(Chinese translation published by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2008; reviewed in The World Economy, 2005The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2005)

Ph.D. Thesis

Essays in Auction Theory, CentER Dissertation Series No. 311, Tilburg University, 2012, ISBN 978-90-5668-311-5

(stellingen behorende bij het proefschrift)

Working Papers

Auctions with Flexible Entry Fees, TI-Discussion Paper 09-109/1, 2009 (with Maarten Janssen and Vladimir Karamychev)

Optimal Auctions with Financial Externalities, CentER Discussion Paper 02-21, 2002 (with Sander Onderstal)

[2006 version]

Journal Articles | Blog Posts (in Dutch, refereed)

Veil landbouwgrond om ruimte te maken voor woningbouw en energieopwekking, ESB blog, 11 maart 2021 (with Sander Onderstal)

Polderparade 2014, TPEdigitaal, 4/2014, pp. 48-58

[Top-100 2014]

Veilen van laagwaardig radiospectrum in een VOA-procedure, TPEdigitaal, 1/2012, pp. 21-34 (with Sander Onderstal)

Openbaar aanbesteden: Een vergelijking tussen procedures en technieken in Nederland en de rest van Europa, TPEdigitaal, 1/2012, pp. 49-62 (with Erik Canton, Patrick de Bas, Lars Meindert, and Maarten van der Wagt)

CPB-economen domineren de polder top-40, Me Judice, 22 december 2010 (with Susan Tjong)

Polderparade 2010, TPEdigitaal, 4/2010, pp. 106-116 (with Susan Tjong)

[Top-100 2010]

Veiling mobiel internet bezorgt hoofdbrekens, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 95, nr. 4583, 16 april 2010, pp. 237-238

Polderparade 2009, TPEdigitaal, 4/2009, pp. 119-128

[Top-100 2009]

Polderparade 2008, TPEdigitaal, 4/2008, pp. 1-6 (with Ewa Mendys-Kamphorst)

[Top-100 2008]  [In the media: de Volkskrant]

Polderparade 2007, TPEdigitaal, 1/2007, pp. 119-126 (with Ewa Mendys-Kamphorst)

[Top-100 2007]

Opleiden medisch specialisten moet transparanter, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 92, nr. 4511, 1 juni 2007, pp. 340-342 (with Marco Varkevisser, Stéphanie van der Geest, and Erik Schut)

Geld inzamelen voor het goede doel: hoe doe je dat?, AENORM, 51, 2006, pp. 29-32 (with Sander Onderstal)

Auction Theory, Medium Econometrische Toepassingen, 13(4), 2005, pp. 4-8 (with Sander Onderstal)

Bloed, zweet en tranen: De radiomarkt en de verdeling van de commerciële radiofrequenties, Chapter 8 in W. Dolfsma and R. Nahuis (eds.), KVS Pre-adviezen 2005, Amsterdam: Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde, 2005, pp. 117-140 (with Sander Onderstal and Paul Rutten)

Geen uitruil tussen concurrentie op de veiling en concurrentie op de marktEconomisch Statistische Berichten 89, nr. 4447, 25 november 2004, p. 575

Lobbyen in de polderether, I&I: Nieuwe Media in Perspectief, 21(5), 2003, pp. 18-21 (with Maarten Janssen)

Veilingmiljarden zijn een fictie, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, nr. 4259, 9 juni 2000, p. 479. Also published in the Year-book 2000/2001 of the Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staatshuishoudkunde, pp. 113-114

[English translation: Billions from auctions: wishful thinking]

Consulting Reports

Veiling van vergunningen voor landelijke commerciële digitale radio-omroep (laag 7), commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, 2020 (with Maarten Janssen)


De ordening van de markt voor speelcasino’s, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, 2016 (with Eric van Damme)

Veiling van vergunningen voor commerciële radio-omroep, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2016 (with Paul Rutten)


Two is not enough: De noodzaak voor gereguleerde toegang tot telecomnetwerken, commissioned by Tele2, 2013 (with Nicolai van Gorp and Jonas Rosenstok)

Het Nieuwe Spoorplan: Inschatting besparingen en analyse organisatorische en bestuurlijke consequenties, commissioned by FMN (Federatie Mobiliteitsbedrijven Nederland), 2011 (with Maarten Janssen, Joop Koppenjan, and Lasse Gerrits)

De wisselwerking tussen auteursrecht en mededingingsrecht: Rechts- en economisch-wetenschappelijke bevindingen, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2010 (with Maarten Janssen, Ewa Mendys-Kamphorst, Yves Montangie, Anne-Marie Van den Bossche, and Tobias Cohen Jehoram)


Evaluatie Benzineveiling, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Finance, 2008 (with Maarten Janssen, Stéphanie van der Geest, and Marco Varkevisser)

[Reactie VNPI]
[Reactie Shell]
[Reactie VPR]
[Reactie BETA]
[Reactie BOVAG]

Naar een meer transparante opleidingsmarkt: Marktprikkels in het opleidingsfonds, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, 2006 (with Marco Varkevisser, Stéphanie van der Geest, and Erik Schut)


Werk, kennis en innovatie: Effecten van een duurzaam energiescenario, commissioned by Greenpeace Nederland, 2006 (with Elbert Dijkgraaf and Kees Zandvliet)

Evaluation of the ESF Support to Capacity Building, commissioned by the European Commission, 2006 (with Jaap de Koning, Katja Korolkova, and Peter van Nes)

Concurrentiepositie MKB: Concurreren in een nieuw Europa, commissioned by MKB-Nederland, 2005 (with Elbert Dijkgraaf, Arie Gelderblom, Jaap de Koning, Ewa Mendys-Kamphorst, and Peter van Nes)

Literatuurstudie naar de kosten en baten van markttoezichthouders, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2004 (with Elbert Dijkgraaf and Maarten Janssen)

The Economics of Demand-side Financing, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Ecomomic Affairs, 2004 (with Maarten Janssen and Ewa Mendys-Kamphorst)

Second opinion onderzoek naar de veiling van telefoonnummers, commissioned by DGTP, Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2002 (with Maarten Janssen)

[Staatscourant announcement]

Beauty Contest of Flemish Commercial Radio, Chapter 12 in: M.C.W. Janssen (ed.), Auctions and Beauty Contests: A Policy Perspective, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2002, pp. 207-229 (with Maurice Dykstra)

De draad kwijt? Onderzoek naar de gang van zaken rond de Nederlandse UMTS-veiling, M.C.W. Janssen, A.P. Ros, en N. van der Windt (eds.), Rotterdam, Erasmus Universiteit, 2001
