
Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs will auction DAB+ frequencies for commercial radio via a simultaneous multiple-round auction

As of August 31, 2017 the licenses for analogue (FM) and digital (DAB+) commercial radio will expire. DG Telecom Market of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs intends in 2017 to extend the current FM/DAB+ licenses (9 national and 38 regional) by five years and to auction the new DAB+ frequencies in Band III. Auctiometrix has written an advice on how to allocate the various licenses. Based on this advice, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs decided to allocate the new spectrum in Band III via a simultaneous multiple-round auction.

For the research results of Auctiometrix click here and here for the letter of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. The publication in the Staatscourant (Dutch Government Gazette) can be found here.

May 19, 2016
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